Saturday, March 5, 2011

I have a TEDache

In the best way possible, of course.

I realize I'm really late in posting this, but this past week, I've had the immense pleasure and fortunate opportunity to attend TEDActive, the simulcast of TED 2011 in Palm Springs, CA. While there, I barely had time to pee, let alone write a blog post and do senior project work. The experience was incredible, and I would gladly do it all over again. I met some amazing people, all of whom had accomplished extraordinary things. I felt so out of place at first, but the beauty of this conference lies in the people and that they all believed I had something valuable to contribute. I'm still trying to figure out what I contributed, but it's nice to know they found value in talking to me. I face a while of battling post-TED depression, and I fully intend on trying my best to become a TEDster and uphold the brand through future TEDx events I plan to organize. I apologize terribly to Joe, Norm, David, and Amy (and anyone else who may care...) for my lack of posting. I'll make up for it as soon as I can.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting in the Palm Springs airport, writing this post on my iPhone because the wifi doesn't work on my Mac :( I forgot how tedious it can be to write a massive amount of text from the phone.

To describe the feedback I got from my alpha review, here is a bulleted list for your reading convenience:
- presentation: too many slides! Go slower next time.
- User study: is it even necessary? The CMU example is terrible.
- more sketches allowing for comparison
- need to start coding! WebGL is good
- try sketches that show figure of person - allows for blending purposes


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