Thursday, February 3, 2011

More Ideas

So unfortunately, this week has been a little slow for me due to various reasons, and I haven't worked on my project as much as I had hoped. One interesting idea (among several) that surfaced during a meeting with Orkan Telhan, David, and Joe on Tuesday was the idea of stenography, and how it may apply to visualizations. Stenography, if you're not aware, is the process of writing in shorthand. So the question is, is there a shorthand way of displaying motion? I suppose this is the question I'm trying to answer, but phrased in a different way.

Joe was also kind enough to email several major animation/effects studios to ask them how they organize their motion capture data, and how they pull out specific shots. So far, only Sony has responded, and they pretty much said nothing of relevance to my project :/

Basically, next week I plan on doing the following:

  • Doing more research
  • Sketching more motion visualization ideas (including things that may be "out there")
  • Sketching a preliminary search results UI
  • Deciding on what technology to use for coding the visualizations
  • figure out how to use the code that the lab already has for parsing asf/amc files.

I also set up webspace on my own domain for temporarily hosting everything. The URL is, so you can go there if you want, but all it says is "hello" at the moment. Not very exciting.


Lu said...

Is "movis" the name of your project? Or just something random you decided to name your subdomain?

Joe Kider said...

I think making some sketches of some early visualization ideas is a great idea for the next week. I will package up a simple AMC/ASF viewer too similar to the BVH code that should help you start to see the motions as skeletons. but of course I am assuming a good visualization needs to see the skeleton...

Marissa Krupen said...

I can't wait to see your GUI design! And as per our conversation with how great your name is to add to other words, may I suggest something like: "Mocap Data Represented Visual-Yi"? :)

Yiyi Zhou said...

Lu: 'Movis' is what Joe named the repository, so it's an abbreviation/nickname for my project.

Joe: I agree, most of the sketches I make will probably need the skeleton.

Marissa: Hahahahaha...

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